Hi Everyone: I just heard from Pat - don't worry - there is absolutely nothing wrong - she just wanted to give us an update, since they can't update the blog. Her first words were "Everyone is FABULOUS!" The kids are gelling beautifully together, supporting each other, looking out for each other - it's truly quite amazing.Here's what's been happening: On Sunday morning they went to Chaguitillo and were introduced to their host families. The girls are in groups of 3 or 4 in a house, and the boys in groups of 2. They are being cared for beautifully - each night they come home to clean laundry and are being catered to quite lovingly (Pat indicated they might be looking for this level of service at home - Yikes!!!! LOL). The kids are calling the mom of the house "Momma". All in all they have settled in quite well with their families.There was a concert on Sunday welcoming everyone to the village.On Monday they started the project - building the classroom. It has been amazing to watch this thing rise up from the ground due to their hard work. Each teen is contributing to their full potential - again, Pat said she can't believe how well everyone is working together and whole-heartedly.They work everyday from 8 am to 11:30 or 12 noon, then do something in the afternoon. On Monday they visited a coffee plantation, which was really fun.Each evening they gather in the 'musee' which is essentially a community hall, to debrief and recount their day.On Tuesday, after work, they were supposed to go to the petroglyphs, however it rained so it ended up being a 'chill' afternoon (to borrow a phrase from Will). They played cards, sorted school supplies, went for walks etc.Today they are finished working, then will participate in a celebration the town is having for them as a thank you for building the classroom. After that they're going for a swim.Tomorrow they're getting up really early and heading to the petroglyphs before visiting the macadamia nut project. They will meet the people in these communities and learn how to make Nicaraguan bread (Pat couldn't recall the name of the bread).Her closing comment was "Each night, as part of circle time, we tell about one high and one low of the day. Last night, no one could come up with a low!" This is a very telling comment, and indicative of the experience they are having.Pat also indicated that at some point in this journey every child has spoken appreciative words about us (their parents) and she wanted to make sure we knew about this - good to hear. They have adjusted well, are having the time of their lives, and can't wait for more adventures.I’ll let you know if I hear anything else. Can you believe that’s a week from today?! Where has the time gone.....Laurie
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